
Picture of Doug Hunter

Doug Hunter

Doug heads up Customer and Ecosystem Enablement for SYSPRO Africa. He is responsible for Support, Consulting, and Education/User-Enablement services to SYSPRO's channel partners and customers within sub Saharan Africa. At heart he’s a manufacturing/logistics business professional - rather than an IT techie, having directly managed different manufacturing operations and supply chains. His passion now is to help such companies discover and implement innovation using people, processes and appropriate business IT.

Posts by Doug Hunter

How Procurement can Improve Inventory Management
ERP for InventoryBusiness software

How Procurement can Improve Inventory Management

One thing that procurement departments are working intensively on at the moment is how to spend more effectively. That doesn’t …

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ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

Coming out of Lockdown – The Corona Opportunity

Now that we’re slowly “coming out” of lockdown, what is the Brave New World we find ourselves in? Will lockdown-learning fuel …

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ERP and Mobile BusinessBusiness software

Working-From-Home (WFH) – Finding the Positives and Adapting our Processes

20+ days in lockdown to stave off the Covid-19 virus – what are you learning about yourself and your environment? …

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Services and Support for ERPBusiness software

The True Story of Customer Satisfaction in Africa

After 4 days of meetings with customers in Kenya, I have realized that over-delivery is the way to go here …

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ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

Applying Technology to Food and Beverage Manufacturing

During a recent holiday in France, over a croissant and coffee, I watched the morning crowds making their way to …

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ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

Leveraging the power of BI and Data that IT offers today

Nowadays, we take information technology (IT) for granted and simply expect it to be intuitive to use and for it …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPERP and Digitization

3 Ways to Boost Your Warehouse Management with ERP

So your warehouse is bulging – why? Because product demand is high and you’re holding buffer-stock to protect your customer …

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dos and donts for Inventory Management and manufacturing
ERP for InventoryERP and Technology

4 Dos and Don’ts of Inventory Management for All Manufacturing Operations

The current power crisis in South Africa is teaching all of its citizens a few lessons in inventory, distribution and …

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Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERP

ERP Boosts Procurement Creating a Channel for Innovative Business

ERP or rather MRP systems for many years (in SYSPRO’s case, for 40 years!) have enabled Purchasing via requisitions through …

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