
Picture of Louise Thompson

Louise Thompson

As the Customer Relationship Executive at SYSPRO, Louise advocates the importance of proactive customer engagements and sustainable long-term customer connections. She is passionate about helping customers realize maximum business value from their SYSPRO investment through the adoption of technology.Within this role, she implements strategies to maintain customers, while ensuring a personalized experience with the brand. Louise also takes a hands-on approach to customer queries, where she aims to instill customer trust and loyalty. In support of our customer-first approach, part of Louise’s role is to continually improve and add value to our customer experience journey by understanding and enhancing each customer touchpoint.

Posts by Louise Thompson

ERP for ManufacturingERP and Lean Manufacturing

ERP for mixed-mode manufacturing

In past blogs, we have discussed different types of manufacturing – discrete and process. Discrete manufacturing makes distinct ‘things’, process …

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ERP ImplementationBusiness software

3 Ways to Drive Value out of Your ERP Investment

As a mother of an avid horse rider, I have noticed a development where horses are now being bred to …

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ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

How Clean is Your Data, to Get the Best ROI from Your ERP?

I’ve been observing friends and colleague’s behavior during the COVID-19 social distancing and one of the things that I and …

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ERP and TechnologyERP and Technology

How ERP Takes the Customer Experience to the Next Level

A couple of decades ago, the expression ‘customer experience journey’ was virtually non-existent.  Although businesses had placed the customer at the …

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Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERP

6 Important Factors when Investing in the Right ERP Supplier

Industry 4.0 (deemed the fourth industrial revolution) has brought about rapid change and digital transformation. It has also paved the …

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Managing-Operating ERP

Driving User Engagement across the Supply Chain

My daughter is currently completing her final year of high school. As a parent, I am extremely grateful for the …

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Managing-Operating ERP

Are Your Systems Creating Value for Your Customers?

What does value mean to you?  To me it’s extremely personal as the perception of value will differ dramatically based …

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people talking to each other
Applying and Operating ERP

A Customer-First Approach to ERP

I saw a quote the other day that reminded me of why an effective business always nurtures a customer centric …

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Planning-Purchasing-Implementing ERPSelecting ERP

5 Reasons Why Your ERP Selection is Critical

Let’s face it: being a CFO these days is not what it used to be. The role of the chief …

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