
Picture of Mark Wilson

Mark Wilson

Mark Wilson is the CEO of SYSPRO EMEA and APAC. He defines and oversees the go-to-market and channel strategies, identifies key growth areas and develops new partnerships across the eastern region. Mark believes strongly in a customer-centric approach and the importance of recognizing and understanding a customer’s specific business needs. He believes in doing this through nurturing long-term sustainable business relationships – ultimately bringing value to the business by allowing it to be more strategic.

Posts by Mark Wilson

ERP ImplementationBusiness software

Adopting Technology and Upskilling Employees is Vital during COVID-19

No crisis is an isolated, neatly contained incident, and the COVID-19 outbreak is exceptional by any standards. In order to …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPERP and Technology

How Traceability can Improve Customer Satisfaction

Recalls are expensive and often extremely damaging to not only the brands involved but the producers and manufacturers. Customer satisfaction …

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Improving Customer Experience in the Age of Automation_in_Manufacturing_Africa
ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

Improving Customer Experience in the Age of Automation

While most manufacturers have entered the era of automation, statistics are showing that true industry differentiation lies not only in …

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Digital Business and ERPBusiness software

The Trends which Shaped 2019

In an age of disruption, the business landscape has changed forever. The rise of new technologies has led to a …

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Mobile_ERP_mobile technologies
ERP and Mobile BusinessBusiness software

Mobile Technologies – SA Manufacturers are Missing the Mark

It is clear, South Africa’s manufacturers are not running at full capacity. In fact, according to Statistics South Africa, the …

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ERP for ManufacturingERP and Digitization

The Importance of Manufacturing in Every Country

Manufacturing remains a critical force for both developed and developing countries, however, its role is changing and could play an …

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ERP UpgradesERP and Digitization

6 Reasons to Upgrade to SYSPRO 8

Imagine increasing productivity and accelerating user engagement through one single platform, a platform that’s easy to use, personalized, fosters collaboration …

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ERP EducationEducation

Why Businesses Should Implement Measurable Training Programmes

The rapid pace of today’s business means that relevant skills are becoming outdated more quickly than ever before. This naturally …

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ERP and Technology

How Tech can Help Business during a Tough 2019

The echoes of Auld Lang Syne had barely faded before news headlines started to warn us that 2019 would be …

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