
ERP and Digitization

Improving Customer Experience in the Age of Automation_in_Manufacturing_Africa
ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

Improving Customer Experience in the Age of Automation

While most manufacturers have entered the era of automation, statistics are showing that true industry differentiation lies not only in …

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ERP EducationBusiness software

A Master Class in ERP Learning and Development

Last week I finally succumbed to the advertisements for MasterClass. This is because they now have Jane Goodall and Neil …

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Digital Business and ERPERP and Data

How Mid-Sized Defense Manufacturers Can Leverage ERP to Compete With The Primes

The Australian Defense Force (ADF) is a well-respected institution, contributing to the security of Australia by protecting its interests and …

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ERP for ManufacturingBusiness software

The Digital Transformation Journey: Part One – Getting Started

Smart technology is everywhere these days. You are probably surrounded by advanced consumer technology right now. For example, you may be reading …

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ERP for ManufacturingERP and Analytics

Key ERP Tools to Support the Future Manufacturing Supply Chain

The future direction of supply chain management and collaboration will be determined by the impact of digitalization on the supply …

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ERP and TechnologyERP and Data

Top 5 ERP Technology Predictions for the Manufacturing Sector in 2020

2019 was quite a year. China became the first nation in the world to safely and successfully land a spacecraft on …

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Digital Business and ERPBusiness software

The Trends which Shaped 2019

In an age of disruption, the business landscape has changed forever. The rise of new technologies has led to a …

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ERP UpgradesERP and Data

How to Adapt to Current Workforce Trends

There has been a great deal of discussion surrounding the supposedly differing attitudes to work found in each generation. What …

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ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

Applying Technology to Food and Beverage Manufacturing

During a recent holiday in France, over a croissant and coffee, I watched the morning crowds making their way to …

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