Catering for the Safe Food for Canadians Act

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Safe Food for Canadians Act comes in to effect on January 1, 2015 and it is going to have an effect on every business involved in Canada’s food chain.

The Act puts all food inspection responsibilities under the umbrella of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency bringing together a number of disparate laws, like the Fish Inspection Act, The Canada Agricultural Products Act and the Meat Inspection Act, and their inspection authorities. It also sets out standards for all businesses involved in the food chain.

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Is Your Accounting Software Bankrupting Your Business?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In my previous blog on Technical Debt, I explained the concept of technical debt using software architecture as an example, and described the saw-tooth pattern of well-run businesses that consciously accrue technical debt for a period before investing time in paying off the worst of it.

The technical debt metaphor also describes the challenges of businesses maturing from the inception stage to one can make a good business case for ERP and beyond.

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Improving the Training Experience

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In the dim distant past of ERP, 10 years ago and more, the way you learnt about the software was by referring to the training manuals relating to various modules – Accounts Payable, Bill of Materials, etc. It was a very product-oriented and narrow view of learning. Times have changed, fortunately, and learning materials are turning towards how people work – their roles – and the business processes involved.

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Managing Technical Debt – Part 1

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Technical debt is a term coined by Ward Cunningham in 1992 to describe the software engineering phenomena of how expedient, short-term decisions can have negative, long term consequences that make it difficult to maintain and update the software. The concept does not just apply to technology companies, any company that uses technology also has technical debt and understanding the concept will help you manage it and run your business.

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