A Systematic Solution for Manufacturers in Controlling Allergens and Pathogens

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In the world of the hyperconscious consumer, food & beverage manufacturers have a duty to manage risk through food traceability technologies such as those found in an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), to not only identify and respond to food safety issues, but also to support supply chain optimization and the reduction of food loss.

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How Can I Manage Inventory to Support Smart Manufacturing?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Smart Manufacturing is about visibility, connectivity and interoperability – connecting systems, machines, and work units to create intelligent networks along the value chain. It’s about getting information about the manufacturing process to where it is needed, when it is needed, and in the form it is needed to power smart decisions.

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How the Manufacturing CFO can Spearhead Industry 4.0

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As we enter a new year, research shows that optimism and business confidence is returning amongst manufacturers and distributors. This is based on a survey that we conducted last year around the CFO 4.0 manufacturing executive. The survey presented strong evidence that manufacturing industry CFOs are looking beyond the current health crisis to see how their organisations can establish a sustainable recovery by taking advantage of the push for Industry 4.0. Given that senior finance leaders have access to both financial performance data and projections, their assessments of the impact of COVID-19 and how long its impact will last, are telling.

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The COOs role in rebooting business

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Is Tesla a car manufacturer, an energy company or a technology firm? Elon Musk envisioned Tesla Motors as a technology company and independent automaker, aimed at eventually offering electric cars at prices affordable to the average consumer. Tesla Motors shortened its name to Tesla in February 2017 to take the focus away from cars. Today its extraordinarily ambitious founder has a clear purpose; to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy with electric cars, solar panels and integrated renewable energy solutions.

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Is it Time to Re-shore?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Are you among the Canadian business leaders who are considering moving some or all of your manufacturing activities to Canada, or back to Canada as the case maybe?

For decades, the lure of manufacturing outside Canada has been strong. Mexico, China, and other Asian countries have made it very attractive financially. Manufacturers could get up and running relatively quickly and reap ongoing cost savings through low taxes and inexpensive labor. Shipping was economical and efficient. Overall, it was easy and profitable to manufacture offshore.

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