ERP – the Unseen Technology that Alters our Lives Every Day

ERP innovation and technology
Reading Time: 3 minutes

A patient is rushed to the emergency room. After a brief evaluation, the medical staff will immediately start hooking them up to IV bags, Holter monitors and the like in order to try and save their lives.

If those medical professionals are to have the best possible chance of saving their patients, it’s imperative that they have access to the right medical equipment, exactly as and when they need it.

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Why Education is Crucial to Digital Business Transformation

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How can businesses thrive during the Fourth Industrial Revolution which is bringing with it digital business transformation? The short answer is through continued education – we all have a role to play in encouraging a Learning Revolution.

With the ever increasing advances in technology, from Artificial Intelligence, supercomputers, ubiquitous technology and self-driving cars, there are endless areas that require skilled and experienced individuals. A wide range of jobs will start to become obsolete, but a whole range of new ones are set to emerge at the same time.

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An Engaging ERP UX is as Important as its Functionality

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Have you ever been lost in an application? Or frustrated because you are unable to find what is required from you within an application? How many times have you been scrutinizing the screen to find the ‘missing’ item resulting in conflicting feelings between relief and foolishness because the placement of the missing item was just not that apparent.

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The many Faces of Business Mobility

Business Mobility
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Mobility covers many facets of life. It could describe cargo transportation or people bussing to and from work. What about displacing people to other areas or countries to avoid natural/political problems? We could also talk about the propensity of people to live and work in many countries – true global citizens.

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Finding Workable Solutions for Governance, Risk, and Compliance Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hard to believe that there are over 100 000 information security breaches at listed companies every day.

South Africa has the benefit of the King Commission into Corporate Governance (or as it is described – Responsible Corporate Citizenship). This commission has progressed all of the way to King IV, or the 4th commission into Corporate Governance.

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