How to influence ERP learners – just what the doctor ordered

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s October, my birthday month. For some strange reason, I feel some sort of comradery with people born in October; a feeling that we all have something special about us. So I was pleased to see that Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson was born on October 5th, close to my birth date. This man definitely has something special about him.

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Onsite Champions and Super Hero Consultants – Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In Part 1 of this blog I defined the general differences between the Onsite Champion (OC) and the Super Hero Consultant (SHC) and then arrived at a conclusion: Access to both types of superhero is a good idea for any company with an ERP system. In this part, I’d like to hone in on the details and examine each of our caped ERP defenders for strengths and weaknesses.

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Three crucial considerations when evaluating ERP

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Often during demonstrations I am asked about the language SYSPRO ERP is written in. For some reason, expressing the fact that SYSPRO uses best-of-breed technologies in the development of our product and the fact that SYSPRO has never been re-developed, but rather has evolved, never seems to resonate.

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Why your ERP people are as critical as your ERP product

Reading Time: 3 minutes

How can ERP service help manufacturers realize their strategic goals?

Vendors continually invest in their products to ensure world class functionality by talking to those companies that excel in their respective industries.  Typically, the focus is on creating a sophisticated and robust product that is able to solve complex business problems.  However, with a multi-faceted solution, implementation and support issues can create potential disparities.

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Cloud for ERP has come of age

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Three years ago the cloud was an immature offering and incomplete. Its voice was high pitched and it had acne. But now it is coming into its own with more integration layers and cloud services becoming available. The ecosystem that ERP relies on in the cloud has grown up too, currently even shaving, driving a car and enjoying full-time employment.

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Onsite Champions vs. Super Hero Consultants – Part 1

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As you’d expect, a SYSPRO technical support position comes with heavy intellectual responsibilities. This morning, for example, I sat at my desk drinking coffee while pondering the question of superheroes. The exercise proved profitable – I have ascertained, after deep cogitation, that superheroes have a great deal to tell us about the appropriate modes and uses of SYSPRO support.

Let’s take a look at two iconic superheroes: Batman and Superman. Batman, in the language of SYSPRO, is an Onsite Champion – he lives in Gotham City, he works for the betterment of Gotham City, and his skill set includes an intimate knowledge of local conditions. He’s who you call if someone has robbed Gotham Bank or stolen a jeweled thingummybob from the Gotham Museum. Note that Batman’s problems rarely spread beyond the immediate area of his expertise, and that the villains are usually human.

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