Smart ERP Moves Businesses into the Fourth Revolution

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Go back just three short years and most people would not have been familiar with the phrases “Smart Factories” and “Industry 4.0”. Fortunately, these phrases are based on fact rather than emotion. The fact is, that to move forward and deal with globalisation, industry is having to adopt the first and understand the second.

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The Relationship Between Organizational Culture and ERP

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Having a great company culture is no longer optional. Today’s employees expect nothing less and regard it as strongly as they do salary and other benefits. Company culture is simply the personality of a company coupled with the core values and ethics, which then supports that company’s processes and procedures. Company culture is the backbone for what an organization does as a collective team to reach an ultimate goal.

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How Data Visualization Adds Value to Your Business

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Opinions vary around the usefulness of data visualization in making informed and strategic business decisions. If the data visualization adds value and insights it can be very useful to businesses. But if not it is just colorful ‘’noise ‘’.

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Ransomware and Beyond – Part 1

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Internet is teeming with cybercriminals armed with increasingly sophisticated malware designed to steal your data – or extort you for cash. It’s an evolutionary process, an arms race, and a threat to every organization doing business across the Internet. Symantec’s 2016 Internet Security Threat Report contains some appalling statistics. During 2015:

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